April K
South House
Transportation Engineering

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 min Presentation Reflection

What stood out about my presentation preformance was the way I was able to check for understanding from my audience. Since I talked about different types of civil engineering, I decided to check for understanding by using different scenarios that a specific engineer would do. Then, had the class say what engineer fulfilled what job. It was a good way to check for understanding because, it put all the imformation that I said into a real world example, and was used to help the class apply what they had learned. The most challenging part of my presentation was trying to pick something that I could teach to the class with in five minutes as well as try to check for understanding in some manner. The question wasn't that I wouldn't have more time that I needed, but that I would go over time. As I was looking at this delema, I realized that my topic was too broad. Civil enineering is just a branch of engineering and with in it has different subdivisions. By giving a summary of some of these subdivisions I was able to keep my presentation simple and keep the time requirement. Also, it helped me to narrow my project topic more to Transportation engineering, instead of plain civil engineering.

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